Hugh’s Photo Challenge: Week 6 – Unused


This is unused but definitely still loved. It’s my special addition Harry Potter books 1-4, a present from my dad. It sits on a shelf with my other Harry Potter objects, including my house glasses, Hedwig and wedding card from Emma Watson (yes she sent me a card on my wedding!).

I no longer read them because I use my kindle. Each year I read the whole series, I know how sad that sounds but I don’t care. I never read the paper book because I’m afraid of damaging them.

Here is my first ever entry for Hugh’s photo challenge. If you have never read his blog then you don’t know what you are missing.

20 thoughts on “Hugh’s Photo Challenge: Week 6 – Unused

  1. Hi Eric. Thanks for joining in the fun.

    Wow, a wedding card from Emma Watson! You should have it framed. Doesn’t matter that your best friend got it signed for you. Is it only you that is allowed to touch this Harry Potter collection? I’m guessing that also includes dusting it?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is framed! My wife is annoyed that I didn’t dust if before taking the picture. In theory no one is supposed to touch it, but as with most things I say the kids ignore it. In my defence the book shelf is in a hard to reach corner of the living room behind the TV. So only gets dusted during one of our holiday clean everything that stays still long enough sessions. I also put my most valuable Harry Potter stuff there in a hope it doesn’t get interfered with.

      Liked by 1 person

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