Advice from an unpublished author – do you need to write every day?

The other day I read an interesting article about this, it was quite reasoned, the author saying he found it hard to write every day. What was more interesting were the comments, some of them totally ridiculous. I remember one spitting vile claiming if you didn’t write everyday then you would never become a writer (but in much stronger tones.) Others stated you pretty much write every day even if not on your creative work. Most of us must write for work or do something in social media. I don’t agree with either view.

As for me, when I’m on form, which I haven’t been lately, I do write most days. On a work day I get up early and spend time working on my book before anyone gets up. I’ve never believed if you write every day for five years you will magically become a great writer. If you don’t practice then you will never improve but then if you don’t critically evaluate your work, look at advice and see how others do it then you’re not going to improve. I like to think my writing has improved. I certainly read back work I did a few months ago and cringe with how bad it is.

So, my advice? Try and write regularly but also look at what you write, always strive to improve. One day I hope my writing will become passable, dare I hope, even mediocre.

Since writing this weeks ago I came across this article which explains in much more eloquently than I ever could. Take a look, it’s worth a read.

What do you think should you write everyday?

20 thoughts on “Advice from an unpublished author – do you need to write every day?

  1. no I agreed with you, i don’t think it is necessary to write every day 4-5k to become a writer, but of cos if u want to be done with a book – u must set some deadlines
    Also ppl who already published – r usually pressed to write each day because of the deadlines from the publishing company..

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I did set my self deadlines but then stopped as it made me too stressed. The point of writing was to combat the stress. I just keep reminding myself I write for fun and it will be finished when it is.

      If deadlines work for you though that’s excellent.


  2. I don’t write every day. I take holidays off and usually one day a week. It gives my brain a rest and lets my ideas simmer. The recovery day in my schedule also helps prevent burn out and keeps me motivated to push through with the work on my non-lazy days knowing I have a day off coming.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Why must one write everyday? What if there is nothing to write, is it OK to just write anything?
    I believe it is better to write at your pace and bring out a good book than to rush and produce a poor work!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I think if your goal is to become a published writer, sure, developing consistent writing habits will help you achieve that goal. But it is also possible to be someone who writes for the joy of creation, even if you never intend it to be seen outside of your own imagination.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I only write when I get the urge to write. I don’t force myself to write if I don’t want to write because I would not enjoy it and would start thinking of writing as not enjoyable. At the end of the day, writing should never stress us out or make us feel guilty. For me, it’s there as an enjoyable and fun activity to participate in when I feel like doing so.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Nice advice sir….I am very new to writing…Infact it is not even something I am very good at….I write what I feel , to calm down my self ….but ….. every day writing ……is very difficult.


    1. I think you should write when it suits you. If you are new then try to make it at a regular time even if it’s just once a week. I’m sure you are good, but more practice helps us all to improve. Try to find some one to give you constructive criticism it will also help you improve. Thanks for visiting my blog.


      1. I have read some of your blog and you are an excellent writer. I hope you don’t mind me saying you are make a few basic mistakes with punctuation. For example always put a space after a comma and full stop. The full stop becomes before the speech mark not after if (.” not “.) Fixing problems like that is easy, much easier then mine of bad spelling and missing words! I hope you didn’t mind me pointing it out.

        Liked by 1 person

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